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woffice blog
woffice blog

Woffice 2.0 is finally here ! A lots of new features to make your experience even more delightful (yes, that’s possible !). We’ll have a look here to some of the features we’ve added, most of them are unique and you’ll only see them in Woffice theme.

Drag & Drop Dashboard page

Starting from Woffice 2.0, every user (once the option is enabled) can build his own dashboard page using the widgets available. That’s possible thanks to a nice drag & drop interface. All changes are dynamically saved in the database through Ajax technology.

A new Config tab in the Theme Settings

We’ve added a shiny new tab in Woffice’s theme settings, you can find there the features required by Woffice from your host in order to have everything running fine. This tab will also be really useful for our support staff to help you figure out any current issue on your site.

Brand new look for the Theme Settings

After a long time, we’ve finally added our own style to the default Unyson’s Theme Settings tabs, we hope you’ll like it.

Better performances

We’ve made many changes on Woffice’s source code in order to improve as best as we can the loading time. So what have done ? Well, starting from now, the custom CSS code from your own settings within the Theme Settings is saved in the database and refreshed on every Theme Settings’ save button click. Basically, we’re no longer making 50 calls to the database in order to get your own settings and create your page but one single call. Moreover, thanks to our workflow changes (see the 2 last points on this page), all assets files are minified (.min). That means they load between 20% to 50% faster. Which is nice.

Welcome page

Whenever you enable Woffice theme from your Themes > Appearance page in WordPress, you’ll be redirected to a brand new admin page : “The Woffice welcome page”. We’ve gathered there the most important informations you need to know in order to get started with Woffice smoothly. We might add here in a near future the latest changes from the changelog.

From the old CSS to SCSS

It was time to change…Woffice has grown from 0 customer to more than 3000 in just a few months, which mean we’ve added a LOT of CSS (styling code) in order to improve our design throughout our updates. As well as making every time more plugins compatible with Woffice (so new code added on our side). The main stylesheet was about 4500 lines without counting the plugins integrations. Which isn’t really easy to edit from our side. That’s why we’ve separated every part in well organized .SCSS files
See woffice/scss and don’t hesitate to ask us any question.
As everything is compiled with Gulp.js (next headline), on a customer point of view it doesn’t change anything. However if you’re editing the main Woffice files, it does.

Gulp.js Workflow

Note : Here again, for a customer point of view, that doesn’t change anything except that you’ll have better performances on your site.
However, if you’re editing Woffice’s main code and you need to edit the .SCSS files or the .JS files (without a child theme, which is not advised by the way but might be considered if you’re making A LOT of changes) you’ll need to have some basic Gulp.js skills (see : https://www.sitepoint.com/introduction-gulp-js/).
Just be sure to install node within the woffice/ directory in order to use the composer.json file with all the dependancies.
For any other detail please get in touch with us, we’ll be really happy to help you.

What’s next ?

We’ll keep going on frequent updates, as we’ve done since day 0. We’ll still add features and improve current features as well as fixing bugs and updating the bundled plugins.
The next big step will be for us to use a new Calendar manager plugin as EventON is no longer allowing us to include addons within Woffice. That’s costing a lot of money to our customers.
Therefore, the best candidate so far is WordPress Pro Event Calendar , we’ve already an agreement with its author and we can’t way to integrate it in Woffice.


Comments 2

    • Hi Nguyen, sorry but I missed this comment.
      Anyway I would just ensure you that you have something like this planned, we need some many time because it’s not a small plugin, but we will release it! 😉

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