woffice blog
woffice blog
woffice blog

A new great relase of Woffice is available: Woffice 1.8.0
One of the most important things, from this new relase is that we have included Slider Revolution for FREE in our theme, so you will save more $19 buying Woffice for your website.

Navigation menu

A lot of users have waited for this feature and we have worked hard in order to achieve it. Finally the primary navigation allow multiple submenu levels!
In this way you will be able to improve your sitemap structure, without be obligated to use a megamenu.

Wiki & Projects

We added new options for this features.
We added an option in order to enable or disable the like box for wiki.
We added an useful option in order to restrict project editing only to author (and admin) instead of all members of the project.

Approve registration of new users

Now, using Woffice, the pending and approvation of new users is boosted, we have improved the compatibility with the plugin New User Approve, so you are free to use the Woffice custom login/registration page and see explicative alerts that will avoid to make confusion with your users.
In this way the experience of your users will be improved.

Ajax Search form

We added an awesome feature in our search box: the suggestions! Now Woffice has an autocomplete searchbox like as the big Google 😀
So meanwhile an user digit him search terms it will already see titles of available elements and click on them directly from there.

What else?

There are many others minor fixes and improvements in this new relase of Woffice, you can find the complete changelog here or below:

- (NEW) Revolution Slider is now Included for FREE !
- (NEW) Multilevel of navigation submenues is now allowed
- (NEW) Option to enable/disable wiki like
- (NEW) Option "Only author can edit this" added to projects
- (IMPROVED) Ajax Search form
- (IMPROVED) Compatibility with New User Approve, all alerts are displayed
- (IMPROVED) WOffice roles creation has been replaced by the User Role Editor plugin
- (IMPROVED) Disabled zoom on mouse scroll wheel in members map
- (FIXED) Dashboard layout when an event is clicked
- (FIXED) Login link displayed also for loggedin users instead of logout link
- (FIXED) Minor CSS issues
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