
How to Manually Approve New User Registrations in WordPress

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Moderate new user registrations can be very useful in several WordPress scenarios: intranets/extranets; e-learning platforms; multi-author blogs; multi-vendor e-commerce site and many others. 

It can be also a good protection against spamming accounts, if the email confirmation isn’t enough.

If you are looking for a way to approve or deny manually the registration of your users, you will find a very good solution in this article.

Eonet Manual User Approve

Moderation of user registrations isn’t a feature existing in WordPress by default.

If you don’t want to use a heavy membership plugin, all the lite solutions already present on the market aren’t updated or supported anymore.

In addition, some of them was starting to present many annoying bugs. So, due to the increasing requests of our users, we have decided to add a new plugin to our community suite: Eonet.

The plugin is Eonet Manual User Approve. It allows you to manually allow or deny every new user registration on your WordPress site.

Eonet Manual User Approve is super easy to use and it’s very very lite, it doesn’t affect your site speed. In addition, it’s totally compatible with BuddyPress, the most famous community plugin for WordPress.

If it isn’t enough, the plugin allows you to edit the content of all the emails as you prefer, in order to maximize the experience of your users.

How Eonet Manual User Approve Works

The plugin creates three statuses: ApprovedPending, Denied.

All new user registrations are set in Pending, and all users registered before the plugin activation are automatically considered as Approved. Only approved users will be able to access to your site. Pending and denied users won’t be able neither to login nor to reset their password.

You can change the status of an user from the Users page in the WordPress dashboard, or from each specific single user page.

Approve new user registrations with Eonet Manual User Approve
Users list with Eonet Manual User Approve

On the registration page, the plugin displays an alert to inform the user that he has to wait for the manual moderation of an admin.

Once he completes the registration process, an email alert is sent to the admin (this can be disabled) and a new email will be sent to alert the user once the admin will approve or deny him.

Registration page with Eonet Manual User Approve
Registration page with Eonet Manual User Approve

One of the most important features of Eonet Manual User Approve is that it’s totally compatibly with BuddyPress. The screenshot below is an example of the registration page of BuddyPress using Twenty Seventeen theme:

Registration page with Eonet Manual User Approve and BuddyPress
Registration page with Eonet Manual User Approve and BuddyPress

Wrap Up

If you want to manually moderate new user registrations, then Eonet Manual User Approve is the best solution for you.

These are the primary reasons:

  • It’s easy to use, it allows to approve or deny new user registrations easily.
  • It’s very lite and won’t affect the speed of your site.
  • You can customize all the messages and emails content
  • It’s compatible with BuddyPress.

Finally, if you liked the article or the plugin, you could let me know in the comments underneath or rating the plugin.

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