
How not to have Customer Communication Problems

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I am certain, the majority will agree — relationships are tough.

Not merely because it is difficult to handle, but also because it requires a lot of communication which is crucial in building a solid relationship.

Being a good communicator does not only revolve around how good and proficient you are in speaking.

It is more than that.

You should also be armed with an ear and mind that’s willing to listen and understand. Similarly in business settings, closing a deal, persuading a customer, or selling a product, all of those require good communication.

Now, on today’s blog, we will be delving deeper into the why’s and how’s of effective customer communication.

Why does communication matter?

Whether it be within your organization, or between you and your customer/ suppliers, communication holds an integral part in promoting a healthy relationship. You need to bear in mind that without proper communication, you cannot build trust with your customers.

For example, a customer had approached an agent explaining a defective item. However, the agent is distracted by the music that’s currently playing through his earphones. Hence, he failed to listen carefully and so he asked the customer to repeat what she just said.

Now, this is where the error happens.

In that scenario, asking the customer to repeat her concern clearly manifests the absence of communication. That is simply because the customers’ intention is not being delivered and understood by the agent.

Who knows, the customer was just being nice despite getting a defective item, yet she feels unimportant.

On that matter, you will lose it.


Communication serves as the connecting line between you and the customer to ensure that you’re both on the same page. Now, if that line snapped out, both of you might land on a different page.

That begins misunderstanding.

Through communication, you get to retain new customers, improve brand perception, and deepen customer relationships. It lets you know more about your customers’ thoughts and opinions which therefore allows you to know their perspectives better.

With a stronger understanding, you got to walk in a path where customers trust is your ultimate weapon.

How to build the 3 C’s: Communication, Connection, and Collaboration

Nowadays, modernization has already paved the way for digital communication. These include email, SMS, phone calls, social media, live chats, and video conferencing.

These were all provided to serve as an avenue for us to communicate with our customers particularly today when the pandemic is still ongoing. Now, to maximize its use, we need proper implementation of customer communication.

How do we build the 3 C’s? Let’s learn more about it.

1. Listen actively and carefully

When the customer is speaking, focus and pay attention.

Engage with what they are talking about so that you can position yourself after they told you their concern. Just listen. Do not try to think of the proper words to say nor try to formulate a response that they want to hear.

Instead, listen to all ears, don’t try to interrupt, present your interest by making sure you understand their point of view., and lastly, ask for clarification.

If you already got their point, emphatize, and gently position your recommendation. That way, you’ll more likely provide the right solution and handle the scenario flawlessly.

2. Convey thoughts properly

a. Use clear and simple words

When dealing with customers, not being understood despite saying everything important is the most horrible thing that can happen.

To avoid it, avoid using slang, jargon, and complex words, instead, use simple words that are easy to understand.

For example, if you are talking to a customer with a professional degree, you do not email or text them with “Hey, BRB” or “NVM,” unless you want to be misunderstood.

Always match your audience.

b. Use brief but specific sentences

In crafting your response (i.e sending through email, posting on digital platforms, or providing instructions face-to-face), it is important that you convey your ideas using fewer words/ sentences.

That will allow you to be direct to the point and concise.

c. Use positive language

Even if your customer’s situation is worrisome, do not add up to their concern. Instead, use positive language as it will help them reduce negative feelings and increase their optimism.

For example, instead of writing or saying “I can’t,” say “Let me look into that” or instead of saying “difficulties,” say “challenges.”

It might look a bit vain for some, but for your customers, that will leave a great impression on you.

d. Use visual presentations

Visual communication is one of the most effective strategies that businesses commonly use. Communicating ideas through graphics and visual elements were proved to be efficient and can help evoke emotions and convey more meaningful messages.

3. Always clarify vague areas

Whether it be in written or verbal form, do not leave things unclear. Make sure that both of you are on the same page, otherwise, it might pose a misunderstanding.

Ensuring that what you got is the exact intention they want to convey is crucial in going forward with the project. As defined by SkillsYouNeed, clarification can help you “sort out confusions and complex issues,” so that moving forward, there will be no blockage that might hinder your progress.

4. Take notes

While listening, either in face-to-face interaction or through video conferencing, it is always advisable to gather your paper and pens and try to write things down.

Do not rely entirely on your memory.

This will also help you to easily go back to the topics that need to be clarified or discussed further.

5. Always double check

In sending emails and letters, always make it a habit to regularly check the grammar and spelling before sending it to the recipient. This is to ensure that your intention is being translated and delivered to your customers correctly.

Aside from grammar and spelling, if you are using WordPress & Woffice Emails, you can also opt to modify it with a Visual Builder through Woffice Advanced Emails.

This will allow you to edit and design your emails, which is an additional factor that might influence your customer’s impression of you or your organization.

In the article “The Impact of Poor Customer Communication to a Business” authored by Root, George, he mentioned that poor customer communication can cause “confusion” towards potential customers and can hinder possible business opportunities.

Therefore, it is important that we always strive to showcase effective communication to achieve optimum customer satisfaction. With this important factor, you’ll get to maintain and build strong customer relationships along with the continual flow of revenue.


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